Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh, the joys of motherhood.....

Today was a little crazy at our house. I overslept majorly and was trying to get Caleb out the door to preschool in a record 45 minutes.....Getting me, Abby and Caleb all ready to get out the door in 45 minutes is impossible and that was clearly evident today as it did not take me 45 minutes but and hour and 20 minutes to accomplish the feat so he was 20 minutes late to preschool. Anyhoo, had a crazy time at the grocery store afterward with Abby......She kept standing up in the seat of the grocery cart everytime I would reach out to pick up an item and some little old lady (bless her!) came over to me and said "Honey, that child is gonna bust her noodle open!" I was also afraid she was going to bust her 'noodle' open so I continually fussed at her down every Kroger aisle.

We went back to pick up Caleb after lunch and his teacher gave me his preschool report card. They get it at the end of every semester...Then you can choose to have a teacher conference if you want to. I may be doing that. Bless his heart, it seems that he has lots of things to work on. Not doing so well in the hygiene/self-help department or the social/emotional skills. His sweet teacher wrote things like "Has to be reminded every day to clean up after himself at lunch", and "Never waits to hear the directions." These were actually strangely comforting to me because at least I know that she knows my child well. And these are the things that I try to teach him day in and day out. Too bad they haven't stuck yet. On the upside, he has good gross motor skills. But I knew that already. The boy can run like a gazelle.

And then Abby.....Oh Abby. She is such a mess. I had decided that "Santa Claus" was going to bring her the Cinderella princess dress from the Disney store. I had gone and gotten it the other day when Matt was home to keep the kids and I could actually shop by myself for a little while. I felt so good about it....I knew that it was something that she really wanted because she has talked about it for months. So, what do I do? I bring it home and hang it in the very back of her closet, behind all of her other clothes. Now, this may sound stupid to you but all of our Christmas presents have to be hidden in her closet because we have no other storage in our house...I just knew that since it was hanging in the very back that she would never see it anyway because it was covered up behind all the other clothes. All the other presents in there are hidden in bags and boxes, and I have been keeping the closet closed with a childproof closet lock on it anyway. Well, today I forgot to use the childproofing gadget so her closet was open.....I was downstairs working on supper when I heard her little voice say...."Mommy, I just did pee-pee in my pants so I am going to put on my Cinderella dress instead of new pants, OK?" I realized that she had must have had an accident and had opened her closet to get new pants all by herself and somehow spotted the one-half inch of Cinderella blue that visible in the back of the closet. By the time I ran upstairs she had pulled that dress off the hanger and had it halfway on. DADGUMMIT!!! I guess Santa is not bringing that one after all. I will just have to wrap it and stick it under the tree and tell her it is from Mommy and Daddy. So much for Christmas surprises. I am sure that for the next 23 days she is going ask me where that Cinderella dress is.

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