Friday, December 5, 2008

My 7 Quick Takes for This Wonderful Friday.....

Well, today is 7 Quick Takes day but I am probably not going to put myself on just for time's sake. But you can go to this website and read everybody else's 7 Quick Takes if that floats your boat.
1. So my children are spending their first night away from home tonight. Without us I mean. They are at the grandparents scarfing down cookie dough and candy like no tomorrow. The problem with that is that there is a tomorrow and when I get them back then they are going to be exhausted and full of sugar.
2. Since we are minus the children, Matt and I actually got to go see a movie together. Probably haven't done that in at least a year and a half to two years. We saw 'Four Christmases' and it was so funny. We laughed and laughed. It was much better than I guess I thought it would be, so I recommend it. Go see it! If you are able..........
3. I am doing a craft fair at church tomorrow for 6 hours. The fun part is that I am doing it with my friend Katie so we get to hang out and talk the whole time. The bad part has been that I really procrastinated and made most of the bows this week.........It is a lot of work and I am very, very tired right now of little girl's hair bows. I may just rebel and never make any again.
4. Also because my children are gone, I was able to go out this afternoon and run in the daylight! (I usually run in the dark...after Matt gets home from work.) Even though it was 3:30 in the afternoon, it was my coldest run yet. My hands and feet were completely numb when I got back in the house. It is a very weird feeling to be really hot and really cold at the same time.
5. We got a new digital camera this week. I am really excited about that because now maybe we will be able to take some good pictures at Christmas. Our old camera was getting really bad....It just stopped taking the pictures fast even with new batteries. When you have to wait 15 seconds for the pictures to take after you hit the button, you know you have gotta get a new camera. Especially with kids. In 15 seconds they are already in another room.
6. So, my husband is going to pick up the kids tomorrow afternoon by himself. My craft fair is over at 3:00 so I will actually have about 5 hours tomorrow completely by myself. I really have to say that I don't think that has happened in probably the past year and half to two years either. What will I do? The possibilities are endless. I really don't know what I will do with myself.
7. I am so excited now because some of my old Greensboro friends are getting on Facebook. It is so great to talk to them......We have been in Knoxville for about 3 and a half years now so it shocked me a little bit when after I talked to them yesterday I felt really homesick. For Greensboro. I loved it so......And I loved my life there. It was such a different life than the one I have now. I think I just really miss all my friends and my old job. But I know that I am also really having a great life here in Knoxville too.....It is just as fun but just so different for me being a stay-at-home mom and not working. I think that God really blessed me then in my life as much as he is blessing me now.......I am so grateful that I have been able to have been so fulfilled by a job and just as fulfilled as a mom.
Happy Friday!

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